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Just Installed:

Waters Select Series Cyclic Ion Mobility Quadruple Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer:

High Resolution Mass and Ion Mobility Resolution performance
− Mass up to 100K (FWHM)
− IMS up to 500 (FWHM)
− 500 ppb Mass Accuracy (RMS)
− 4-orders LDR
Excellent performance for routine Q-IMS-ToF screening
Instrument geometry provides unique experimental flexibility
− Multiple fragmentation options
− Novel multi-stage IMSn capability
− Research scripting control available

Dual UPLC and GC Coupling Capabilities
− Waters Acuity I and H class UPLCs
− Agilent 8890 GC


Recently Added:

Agilent 8900 ICP MS (New installation May 2023)

HPLC: Agilent 1260 Bioinert system
Applications: Metal Analysis, Elemental Speciation.

*The instrument was supported by the NIH S10 award (S10OD032210) and North Carolina Biotechnology Center Innovation Impact Grant (2022-IIG-6507).

Agilent 5977C MSD / 8860 GC (New installation May 2023)

Applications: Volatile Compounds.

Continuously Running

Agilent 6520 Accurate-Mass Quadrupole Time-of-Flight (Q-TOF) MS

HPLC: Agilent 1200 HPLC system
Applications: small molecules, proteins, nuclear acids, etc


AB Sciex QTRAP 6500 MS

LC: Agilent 1290 Infinity II UPLC System or Eksigent nanoLC
Applications: Quantitation of small molecules in diverse sample matrices

Mass Spec:

Thermo TSQ Quantum Ultra Triple Quadrupole MS

LC: Waters Acquity UPLC
Applications: Quantitation of small molecules in diverse sample matrices


Thermo TSQ Quantum Ultra Triple Quadrupole MS

HPLC: Thermo Accela HPLC system

Applications: Quantitation of small molecules in diverse sample matrices